Grade 7 Student Artwork – Circle Rythms inspired by Sonia Delauney

Grade 7 students were inspired by the fascinating artist, Sonia Delaunay from the early 20th century. Robert and his wife Sonia co-founded the Orphism art movement, noted for its strong colors and geometric shapes, particularly the circle.

Students were assigned different sized circles and then designed their own unique composition. They learned how to use watercolor paints and colored inks. This contributes to the jewel-like colors you can see such as magenta and emerald green. Additional layers of dots were made with acrylic markers to add more interest within the composition. Several students outlined their paintings with thin Sharpie markers to enhance the contours.

These circles were then glued over the painted background. The background was painted by several students using a pastel palette of colors, with each colour gradually shifting into another color. This unifies the 24 circles.

Look carefully at each one to find the modern device hidden within the concentric circles. Some students chose a piece of architecture or a modern mode of transportation. Can you guess what the different devices are?