Grade 4 Student Artwork – Marc Chagalle’s Paris

Marc Chagall loved Paris, where he arrived as a young man. He said “The soil that had nourished the roots of my art was Vitebsk [his hometown in Russia], but my art needed Paris as much as a tree needs water”.

Chagall is an unclassifiable artist. His art is influenced by Paris, love, his hometown, his violin-playing uncle, and his farmer uncle, after whom he named every sheep, goat, cow, and horse. He has a soft painting style with edges that blur and merge into one another. Is it a dream, reality, or a mix of both? Whatever it is, it is unique and we love it.

Students studied this artist quite a bit. They chose to draw a building, an animal, a rooster, or a violin. Each student completed their little masterpiece by choosing either watercolor paints or colored pencils or a mix of both. The background was painted by a small group of students. It evokes a Paris sky.